An example of a CPU socket, Socket AAs installation of the different makes of CPU can differ between brands, it is generally safer torefer to the manufacturer's instructions, that are provided with the CPU. If you are using athermal paste with your CPU, follow the directions that came with them for details on how toapply it.The two things that go wrong the most often and most expensively (minimum of a killed32CPU, sometimes more) in building one's own computer are both related to the CPU and itscooler:1. Switching the computer on "just to see if it works" before adding any CPU cooling unit.Without cooling, CPUs heat up at extreme rates (a CPU heats up anywhere between ten timesand a thousand times as fast as a cooking area on your stove!) By the time you will get the firstdisplay on the screen, your CPU will already be severely overheating and might be damagedbeyond repair.2. Mounting the CPU cooler improperly. Read the instructions that came with your CPUand cooler very carefully and ensure you are using all components in the correct order andcorrect place.Make sure you get a cooler that is compatible with the CPU you have. Most brands come withmultiple mounting brackets that will suit all different chipsets, but it's best to check forcompatibility just in case.If using thermal paste, apply it only to the CPU die (the square piece of silicon in the middle ofthe CPU) and do so sparingly -- most modern CPUs take no more than a grain of rice sized dabof thermal paste. Some people do like to wipe some onto the heatsink's surface and then wipe itsmoothly off so that bits of it may get into tiny holes for better heat transfer. See Arctic SilverInstructions for more info on how to apply and remove thermal paste/grease. (It was written tobe specifically for Arctic Silver paste, but the same techniques can be applied to other brandsof thermal paste.)If using a thermal pad supplied with your cooler, make sure you remove any protective tapejust before installing and do not get it dirty - and do not combine thermal pads with thermalpaste, it's either one or the other. Then, check that you install the cooler in the right orientationand that you set it flat on the CPU die without exerting undue pressure on any edges or corners- the latter can make small pieces of the die break off, killing the CPU.One option you may consider, before installing the heatsink, is to "lap" the heatsink, whichmeans to smooth out the bottom surface. To do this, start by sanding in smooth circular motionswith a coarse grain sandpaper to smooth out the worst of the uneveness, then, as it starts to getsmoother, switch to a finer grained sandpaper (the numbers go up as the sandpaper is finer, sosomething such as 60 is coarse while 220 will be very fine.) If you get it right, it should have asurface which feels completely smooth to the touch where you can almost see a reflection in it.Some companies producing heatsinks lap the surface themselves and this will be unnecessary,but, it is very rare. A lapped heatsink is far more effective due to having better contact with thechip.Tighten the cooler using only the specified holding devices - if you did everything right, theywill fit. If they don't fit, check your setup - most likely something is wrong. After mounting thecooler, connect any power cables for the fan that is attached onto the cooler. Then, ifeverything is seated tightly and firmly, you can safely run your first test, making sure the CPUfan does run (you have a few seconds of safety margin here, but if the fan is not running, switchoff the system and check your cabling quickly.)33As an aside to the instructions above, it has been my personal experience that fitting the CPUand heat sink is best done on a supportive surface (a telephone directory on a table in my case)prior to installation, to avoid excessive flexing of the motherboard.



Next, you will need to install your RAM. Start by pushing on the levers on both sides of theDIMM socket, so that they move to the sides. Do not force them too hard.Put the RAM module in the socket. Line up the notch in the center of the module with the onein the center of the RAM socket, making sure to insert it the right way. Force the module untilboth levers go into the notches on both sides of the module. Do not use too much force as itmay break the RAM module.Start adding RAM at "Bank 0" or "DIMM 1". If you don't start from "Bank 0" or "DIMM 1"the system will think there is no RAM and not boot.On newer motherboards with 4 slots, you'll see alternating colors. For example, slot 1 is blue,slot 2 is black, slot 3 is blue, slot 4 is black. If you were to put 1 gigabyte of ram in your pc, it'sbest to use dual channel 512MBx2 chips. Put the first 512MB chip in slot 1, and put the 2ndchip in slot 3 (the two slots that are blue) - leaving slot 2 empty. This will give you betterperformance, vs. putting 1gb in slot 1, or two 512mb chips in slot 1 and 2.


Video Card

You may or may not have an AGP video card. Your motherboard may have a built-in videoadapter, or you might have a PCI video card. If you do not have an AGP video card, skip thissection.Install the video card into the AGP socket. This is always the top expansion slot near the backof the computer. AGP slots are often brown, but can also be strange colours such as fluorescentgreen. Check the motherboard for levers (or similar devices) that are part of the AGP slot tohelp hold the card in place. These must be retracted before insertion of the card. Check themotherboard's manual for information on how to use these devices (if your motherboard hasone.) Push the card into the socket (AGP slots are often pretty tight, don't be afraid to push ituntil it's well inserted), then screw it in at the top of the metal bracket. If it has a powerconnector, connect it to a 4-pin molex connector. If it has a pass through, do not connect it to ahard drive.



Next install the hard drive and optical drives.Before you install IDE/ATA drives, you will need to set the drives jumpers, so that yourmotherboard knows which drive is which; consult your motherboard/drive's instructions onhow to do this. The jumpers configurations are usually either printed on the back, or on the topof the drive. Drives can be configured in 2 ways: Drive Select or Cable Select. Cable selectautomatically assigns slave/master based on the plug on the IDE cable the drive is plugged into.Put the jumper on CS. In drive select, master/slave is determined by the jumper. In this mode,configure one of the drives the master, and the other slave. If the IDE channel has only onedrive, then make that drive master.Each IDE/ATA channel can handle two drives, a master and a slave. SATA can only handleone drive, so there is no need to adjust jumpers. How a drive is installed will depend on thecase. When using an IDE cable, plug the two connectors that are closer together into the 2drives, and the third to the controller or motherboard. The connector furthest from the boardshould be attached to the Master drive. Make sure the drive that you will install your OS on isprimary master. (Note: IDE connectors are keyed, so it should be impossible to insert thembackwards. However, it doesn't require very much force to do this, and you may destroy yourmotherboard if so. Also look carefully at the drive and the cable connection before you try toconnect them. You will probably see a "missing" pin on the drive, and a corresponding blockedsocket on the connector. If you break a pin on the drive, you will probably have a worthlessdrive. Note: most parallel IDE cables have a colored stripe down one side. That colored stripesignifies "pin 1" - and usually will line up next to the molex power connection on your drive.Use this rule of thumb if your connectors aren't keyed.) Next, plug a 4 pin molex powerconnector into each hard drive and optical drive. If you are installing the power connector to aSATA drive, only install one of the power connectors. Some drives have the option of usingeither the SATA power connector (a flat about 1" wide connector) or the standard molexconnector; use one or the other, not both.If you install a floppy disk drive, the cable is very similar to the IDE cable, but with fewerwires. Floppy drives do not have master/slave. BUT the floppy disk connector is not usuallykeyed, and will go in either way up! One wire in the IDE cable will be coloured differently: thisis pin 1. There is usually some indication on the floppy drive as to which side this is. Thepower plug for a floppy is 4 pins in a line, but rather smaller than a molex one.


Expansions and Connections

Now, install any PCI cards that you have. These generally include sound cards, network cards,video cards, and TV tuners. These fit into the white slots that are just below your AGP slot (ifyour motherboard has one).Also plug in any power cords, including the 20pin and the 4 pin cords that you haven't pluggedin yet. Before you finish up and power it up, you need to connect the power/reset buttons andfront panel lights. The plugs from the front of the case will be labeled. The pins on themotherboard may be labeled, but they will be difficult to read because they are small. See thefoldout that came with the motherboard for where to connect these connectors. The front panelLEDs are polarised: usually the positive wire is white.In addition, you can optionally connect any case-specific port if it is supported by themotherboard. Some common examples include USB ports and sound ports.Next, close the case and take your computer to where you will be using it. Plug in the powercord, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and any other peripherals you may have to the computer.



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