Operating System(s)

The first thing to do after you have a working PC is install an operating system. You have theoption of installing more than one, as well. The first option, and the one taken by most people,is to just install Microsoft Windows, of which the current version is Windows XP. Anotheroption is to install a GNU system (a Free Software operating system). There are many otheroperating systems to choose from as well, notably the BSDs, which are also open sourceoperating systems. Note that you also have the option of installing more than one operatingsystem in what is called a multiboot setup.If you are going to install both, install Windows XP first. This is because Windows overwritesthe software that GNU requires to start up, even if something's already there. If you installWindows before all of your other systems, you will be able to easily boot into all of them.

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